Comments Posted By LA Wyman
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I can't wait to see "Enchanted," myself, but would I take a kid under 13, or even 14, to see it? No. I think for younger kids, it is definitely too childhood-fantasy-killing, but the mid-to-older teens would probably "get" the satire without their brains and still sometimes-childish souls being too flattened. Unfortunatly, too many of the younger kids will see it, because their parents have no clue that the movies they take their kids to more for babysitting purposes than anything, can actually kill their childhoods. (I especially hate it when seeing kids - quite young kids! - at James Bond movies, for Pete's sake!! Do their parents just have no idea how to raise children?) Also, prude that I am, I don't even really appreciate Shrek being for the little ones, either - the language and satire is a little too raunchy sometimes, and there's a lot more of it that doesn't go over their heads (think Simpsons), than parents think, these days.

Comment Posted By LA Wyman On 15.11.2007 @ 14:53

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